Javier Rodriguez, MD, Chief Medical Officer

Javier Rodriguez, M.D. is La Maestra’s Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Rodriguez received his medical degree from the University of Southern California, and completed his pediatric residency through the University of California San Francisco-Fresno Medical Education Program, gaining Pediatric board certification in October 2004. Dr. Rodriguez is bilingual and bicultural in Spanish and English and is committed to expanding access to care and improving quality of service for underserved populations.
His experience in medical administration is with an emphasis on access, quality improvement and operations. Dr. Rodriguez works with building interpersonal relation amongst administrative, provider and ancillary staff.
Clinically, his focus is primary care Pediatrics with interest in cross-cultural pediatric, adolescent/young adult medicine, border health, obesity, mental health, teaching and Tele-health.
Dr. Rodriguez joined La Maestra in 2005.