Mobile Clinic

Due to the vast amount of ground to cover, La Maestra began to seek funding for its very own, standalone mobile dental clinic. This would allow for the current mobile and medical dental unit to strictly house medical services, therefore increasing access to primary care throughout the County.
Mobile Primary and Dental Care
Currently, La Maestra has a mobile medical and dental unit that has one medical exam room and two dental chairs. Over the last few years, the use of the mobile unit has increased tremendously as the organization’s outreach services continue to expand. In addition to the health fairs, community events, schools, churches, parks, grocery stores and other locations that the mobile unit has always traveled to, the mobile clinic has also recently started to provide services at several detention and reentry facilities in San Diego County.
In late 2019, La Maestra was awarded funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration Oral Health Infrastructure program to purchase a 37’ mobile medical dental clinic that will provide comprehensive dental care services. The new mobile unit will be able to provide comprehensive dental services at locations that the medical and dental unit currently does not travel to, but are located in the existing service area, and it will also be available to travel to the same locations with the current mobile clinic so that both medical and dental services are offered at the same time. La Maestra’s mobile dental clinic provides a variety of services, including oral exams, x-rays, dental prophylaxis, nutritional counseling, fluoride treatments, sealants, amalgam and composite restorations, crowns, root canal therapy, extractions and minor oral surgery.
Mobile Mammography
In 2015, La Maestra became a pioneer in cancer prevention and early detection as it introduced the first mobile mammogram coach in San Diego County. Since then, La Maestra continued to improve women’s health by offering no to low cost mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, and HIV screenings to uninsured, underinsured, minority women living at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Through the California Cancer Detection Program (CDP), women over 40 who meet income eligibility requirements have access to free annual clinical breast exams, mammograms and cervical cancer screening. Currently, the mobile mammography unit stays on-site several days per week for medical imaging services with a multi-disciplinary team of highly trained, bilingual patient navigators, x-ray technicians, and case managers providing no or low-cost women’s services.
Please call La Maestra’s main line at (619) 280-4213 to receive more information about our mobile medical unit.
Hours Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 8am-2pm.