With Affordable Care Act grants and training, La Maestra Family Clinic’s Community Health Access Department provides Outreach, Education and Enrollment Assistance to inform and enroll community members for Covered CA and Medi-Cal. 12,177 people receive education about their options under the Affordable Care Act; 533 Applications are submitted for Covered CA; and 1,020 uninsured patients become insured through this grant. In 2014, La Maestra Family Clinic becomes one of 25 community-based organizations across the nation to partner with National Council of La Raza and Walmart to implement the Comprando Rico y Sano Program. The program aims to increase Latino awareness of the importance of healthy cooking on a budget while helping to enroll eligible individuals and families into CalFresh, the federal nutrition assistance program. CHAD helps over 2,000 eligible individuals to enroll for benefits.