Wellness Clinic for Youth

Our outpatient Youth Substance Use Disorder (SUD) programs through the Wellness Clinic utilize innovative evidence-based practices in treating youth and TAY (ages 12 through 24) who are struggling with substance use and abuse.
Wellness Clinic Youth?
We provide screening, counseling, and treatment including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and recovery support services for ages 12-24 who misuse illegal and/or addictive substances. We also have a special focus on use of opioids and stimulants for patients who have an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) or Stimulant Use Disorder (StUD) in San Diego County. While we primarily focus on low-income, uninsured and underinsured youth, racial and ethnic minority youth, youth experiencing homelessness, youth involved with the juvenile or criminal justice system, and youth with parents who have a SUD and youth with ADHD, we accept most insurance coverage plans and outpatient referrals.
Services Offered:
- Tele-health throughout San Diego County available
- Adolescent psychiatry and addiction medicine
- Medication Assisted Treatment for ages 16 and up
- Counseling and Therapy
- Youth Case Management
- Peer Support
- Contingency Management services
- Youth Advisory Board
- Youth Support Group
- Free Narcan distribution
- Harm reduction tools like Fentanyl testing strips
- Virtual Reality modalities
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction instruction and classes
- Family therapy and parent/guardian support
- Culturally and linguistically diverse staff
- Partnerships and referrals to the La Maestra Circle of Care and neighboring social services
Call our Anonymous Youth Line for more information:
619-510-4644 (available Monday-Friday 8am-5pm)